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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Global Cooling

I wish I could make a living at this. All I would have to do is pay attention to the news, analyze it, and comment on it. However, since that doesn't seem to be working, I still need to have a job, two jobs actually, and that doesn't leave me a lot of time for writing. Therefore, instead of a long analysis and insightful commentary, let just reference a couple of recent reports which seem to indicate that maybe, just maybe, the global warming crowd might have been a bit premature in sounding the alarm.

One report cites studies by four global temperature tracking outlets which indicate that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped "enough to wipe out nearly all the warming recorded over the past 100 years."

The other report states that "snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966."

Read the articles and see what you think. If you still believe in man-made global warming, then by all means, continue to listen to brilliant minds such as Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sheryl Crow, and, of course, that politician-turned scientist-turned celebrity Al Gore.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ortega Joins the Cult of Obama

No one can ever say that Barack Obama doesn't inspire enthusiasm. His near-cult following is constantly hailed in the American press. Thousands come out to hear him speak at campaign rallies. Celebrities, like Oprah, Scarlett Johansson, George Clooney, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Sharon Stone, Halle Berry, Ben Affleck, Will Smith, Rob Reiner...and the list goes on, flock to him.

Now, the case could certainly be made that many, perhaps most of his followers are enamored by his personality, speaking ability, charm, and -dare I say it?- his race.
Many, perhaps most, have no idea what a President Barack Obama would mean for this country.

There is, however, one person who knows exactly what a President Barack Obama would mean, and he's gushing with excitement at the prospect. That person is Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.

The leader of the leftist Sandinista National Liberation Front commented that with Obama the United States is "laying the foundations for a revolutionary change."

Ortega is a man who was supported by the former Soviet Union. He is a man who, upon his return to power in 2006, received congratulations from Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who said Ortega's election "fills our people with joy, at the same time filling the terrorist and genocidal government of the United States with opprobrium." Ortega is a man who has been buddying up with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.

This is a man who is almost intoxicated with joy at the thought of Barack Obama becoming the President of the United States.

What does that tell you?

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